Oracle's Crisis Supplies Exchange

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Web & Mobile App/Portal to help manage donations, loans, and available supply of PPE and other supplies supply in critical need through geo-spatial and needs matching

Steven Riley, Siddesh Prabhu Dev Ujjni, Gabby Rajan, Clarence Ondieki, Sravan Barakam, Rafael Caraballo, Maharshi Desai, Rosy Parmar, Skye Hart, Ben Behrman, srihareendra Bodduluri

A one-stop solution for healthcare providers in need of supplies varying from Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Ventilators, etc.; this marketplace application connects those in need to those with availability. As the COVID-19 Crisis continues to impact the broad spectrum of members of our healthcare and emergency services, our team of solution engineers works to provide a consolidated dashboard for donation and request submissions. Utilizing the Oracle Application Express (APEX) environment and leveraging the Autonomous Transaction Processing Database (ATP), the Crisis Supply Exchange Platform alleviates the stress of finding and matching suppliers and requesters. Users are able to sign in and submit a donation or request, identify potential matches through geospatial queries, check the status of their submission, and/or claim a donation for their organization right then and there. In just a few clicks, nurses, first responders, and doctors can gain necessary supplies and equipment to keep themselves safe while saving those around them with the help of the Crisis Supply Exchange Platform. Likewise, those with potential donations, loaner equipment, and other supplies can quickly identify those in need and connect to those requests.


Front-line health care providers are in critical need of various Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) supplies and medical equipment such as respirators in our ramp-up to serve C19 patients. Supplies of these items exist outside of traditional HC supply networks, such as in the construction industry, High-Tech Manufacturing, and with elective procedure medical facilities, which are otherwise currently shutdown. Work with several heath care organizations like the ASPS, we understood a common and simple portal exchange was needed to connect needs with supplies.

What it does 

Allows front-line organizations with critical emergency needs such as health care PPE, to post their requests, and allows potential non-traditional suppliers/donors to post their available supplies. Then requestors and suppliers can search for potential local matches to fullfill critical needs.

How we built it

We used the low-code Oracle Cloud Application Express (APEX) platform and Autonomous DB to rapidly prototype and application, which will result in fully scalable cloud solution.

Challenges we ran into

A very simple and mobile enabled app is needed since healthcare workers are busy preparing for and attending to patients, and thus do not have time for training, etc. As such the app does not attempt to incorporate commercial arrangements, which requestors and suppliers can handle with their traditional operational systems, once contacts and exchange have been made.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

There is real need for this app in the field ASAP, as keeping our HC workers safe with PPE should be one of our highest priorities in the war on C19. So, we’re proud to be focusing our effort on such an important and urgent need.

What we learned

Potential exchanges between hospitals/first responders in need and elective medical facilities/organizations with un-needed supplies is potentially a helpful area of short-term success as well as with other industries. A large number of small contributions add up quickly.

What's next for Crisis Supplies Exchange

Pending roll-out with various Health Care organizations and potential future enhancements to help manage transportation and logistics arrangements if/where needed.

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